The webs free Weight Loss Diary

Friday, March 2, 2007

In like a pissed off lion

Rain Rain go away...

Take the tornadoes, blizzards & winds with you. Can you say WOW, the weather yesterday was something. I spent much of last night watching while Darren was watching Survivor. It looks like Atlanta missed the worst of it.

A New Month and some New Goals

Let's see how I did last month:

  1. lose another 4 pounds - Lost 2.5 not quite what I was looking for but still a step in the right direction
  2. run 50 miles (I stole that one from ITP) - Ran 76 miles
  3. strength train 2-3 time a week - lifted weight 8 times so yep twice a week
  4. Get back to one dog and keep it that way - Yes, Bingo left before my trip
  5. Have a date (I'm not sure about that one yet?) - Still in question (what color is confusion?)

For March

  1. lose 4 pounds
  2. run 75 miles
  3. strength train 10 times
  4. finish my book
  5. complete one on-line course for work
  6. finish my taxes

Good new at the Doctor's office

According to the doctor I have lost 11 pounds since my last visit. YEAH me! He was impressed. My blood pressure was also 100/60 (fyi normal is considered under 120/80), I also wanted to get a lipid panel and glucose level but I wasn't told I need to fast so I have to go back. Otherwise, everything looked great.

One thing disturbed me a little, there is a new form of birth control on the market: Implanon. It is implanted under the skin (like Norplant) and is good for 3 years. My Doctor recommend it for 3 years I will be over 40 and my chances of having a child will be pretty slim. Please no stories about someone that had their first child at 45, I know it is possible but I also know the odds. I don't think I want children but to know the end is near and that my doctor doesn't see it in my future makes me a little sad. I just don't FEEL that old not that I am but...the clock is ticking.

Girl's Night Out

We had our first GNO in quite awhile this week. With the holidays and all things got away from us. It was a good crowd but early on I was out numbered married to single by 3:1. I've never had that happen before.

The single ladies rallied late and eventually took over the room.

Thanks Beth, Kay, Karyn, Erin, Melissa & Betsy for the good times and numerous bottles of wine. (I hope I didn't forget anyone).

Extra Pay Check

This March is one of those special months were I get paid 3 times. I was all excited on what to do with the extra cash and then I wrecked my car. Want to take a guess where the extra cash is going? Oh well at least I have (had) extra cash.

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