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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A new week and a new outlook

Well last week was just terrible. I wasn't eating, I wasn't sleeping, I was completely stress out by recent events. For weeks I've been trying to determine why two normally reasonable people were still reacting in such an awful way to each other. The events of the past weekend had taken its toll. I did not want to continue this behavior any longer. I was tired of the fighting.

So I'm not sure what will happen but I have to follow my heart and live with the consequences. We are talking (not yelling, not snipping) about the big issues that lead to the relationship going so wrong and working on being friends.

You would think 'being friends' would be simple...but I feel we need to even discuss that. Our past communication has gone so wrong, there have been so many misunderstandings and missed opportunities, that I want to discuss everything so each of us knows what the other is expecting.

We are set to talk again this Friday.

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