The webs free Weight Loss Diary

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Magic Hour

Atlanta Traffic

I am one of the lucky people that lives pretty close to where they work. Seven miles to be exact. Lately, this short commute has been taking me upwards of 35-40 minutes some days. UNACCEPTABLE. Generally, the only problem is the

Hurricane Bingo

While not quite the level of Katrina destruction, Hurricane Bingo (or just Bingo the Dingo) made a big mess of my house in her 4 week stay. Most of the damage was to my doors and their trim. Slight damage to the couch also occurred but is mostly hidden from view.

Bingo went to her new, temporary home when I left for Indiana. She seems to be adjusting well, has begun her treatment for heartworms and has possibly found a new home. I wish the little girl the best but I'm glad she is gone.

Bad Laura

I ate almost all a frozen pizza last night. I got home late I was tired and hungry. That is all I have to say.

A Week in Review

Well it is Friday and time to assess how've I've done for the past week.

- I made it back from Indiana in one piece with no speeding tickets
- I've worked out every day after work this week (at least 60 mins a day)
- I gained very little weight despite all the temptations in my sister's pantry

- I could be eating better
- Weight loss has stalled, I doubt I will make my goal of 4 pounds for the month of Feb
- The weekend hasn't started and I already feel like I'm behind
So what am I going to do about it?
1) Cook at least 3 meals next week (black bean tacos do not count)
2) Complete at least 1 thing off my 'to do' list every day
3) Finish up the immediate repairs on the house
4) Lose 1 more pound by the end of the month
5) Get up by 6:30 am every day next week.

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